
How to guarantee the convergence between information technologies and those of operations?

If you are part of the electric power production chain, then surely you are experiencing the digital revolution and new integrated applications within your environment.

At what level of electrical arc risk is your company and all the people who work in it?

48% of accidents in the electrical industry are caused by electric arc and is the third cause of death in this industry worldwide.

Smart reclosers for industrial users

Some companies in Colombia are growing and investing in the connection of new customers and / or industrial loads increasingly significant. If your company is in one of these cases,

Customer service

Cali (Principal)

Av. Guadalupe # 2-50


Av Carrera 7 #156-68 Of 1303, Torre 3


Calle 77B #57-103 Of 1108

Let's talk on our social networks:

Personal data protection policy

Our ethics

  • Remodelación y actualización tecnológica de subestaciones
  • Digitalización y virtualización de sistemas eléctricos
  • Diseño de la automatización, control y comunicaciones de sistemas eléctricos
  • Pruebas de validación de sistemas eléctricos
  • Ingeniería básica y de detalle
  • Uno de nuestros representantes esta disponible para atenderle o envianos un mail a

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